3 Ways to Increase Male Fertility Through Your Diet

3 Ways to Increase Male Fertility Through Your Diet

Sep 2019
Recent Article

Parenthood is one of the most rewarding and challenging steps many of us will ever take in our lives. But for 1 in 6 couples in Australia, fertility is a problem which requires further planning and intervention. [i]

Women’s fertility is only part of the equation. It takes two to tango after all, and therefore men need to be aware of how they can boost their fertility too.

Here are five ways that men can incorporate diet and supplementation to help boost their sperm count and increase their chances to conceive to embark on the journey of father and motherhood.

Ubiquinol for Male Fertility

  1. Go nuts—with Brazil Nuts

More than other nut options, Brazil nuts are a rich source of selenium.

Selenium is an essential mineral and is important for healthy sperm production, with the highest concentration being found in the testes. Semen is also high in selenium and needs to be replenished regularly as a deficiency can cause fragile sperm with easily broken tails.

To achieve the recommended daily intake of selenium, this can be achieved by consuming 2 Brazil nuts, or alternatively can be taken in supplement form in 100-200mcg capsules.

Brazil Nuts also contain natural cholesterol, which gets converted into testosterone. They are high in antioxidants, which protect testosterone molecules from oxidation.

  1. Boost sperm motility—with Ubiquinol

One of the most powerful antioxidants to help boost sperm count is Ubiquinol, the active form of CoQ10.

Ubiquinol is found naturally in the body, however it has been shown that your Ubiquinol levels can decrease by the age of 30 over time—suggesting that it has a close relationship with ageing.

Ubiquinol is present at high levels in sperm as it protects sperm cells from damage and plays a role in sperm cell energy production and motility. It also improves sperm health and supports sperm production.

  1. Prevent sperm abnormalities—with Folic Acid

Researchers have found that folic acid intake is associated with a statistically significant reduction in frequency of sperm abnormalities in healthy males.

Folate (naturally occurring folic acid) is found naturally in food such as leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and lettuce, asparagus, fruits including bananas, melons, and lemons, beans, mushrooms, meat including beef liver and kidney, and tomato juice.

A Dutch study has found that men with fertility problems who took 5mg of folic acid and 66 mg of zinc sulphate per day for 26 weeks had a 74% increase in total normal sperm count.[ii] Further to this, a study on 89 healthy and non-smoking males found a link between high levels of the nutrients in a man’s diet and the genetic quality of their sperm.[iii]

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

[i] https://fertilitysolutions.com.au/infertility-statistics/

[ii] https://www.webmd.com/infertility-and-reproduction/news/20020320/supplements-boost-sperm-count

[iii] https://www.nhs.uk/news/food-and-diet/folic-acid-boosts-sperm/


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