Boost your winter immunity

Boost your winter immunity

Jun 2017
Recent Article

As the days get shorter and as temperatures drop, your immune system needs to stay strong to fend off coughs, colds and sniffles.

More than 200 viruses can cause a common cold and the average Aussie catches two to four colds each year.[1] Around 300,000 visits to GPs each year are made by Australians with the flu, says the Influenza Specialist Group.[2]

Here are some key things to consider, to help keep your immune system in tip-top shape:

Go Green: Leafy green veggies are nature’s way of boosting your immunity. Spinach, kale, bok choy and broccoli contain phytonutrients that heighten immune system activity. These vegetables are also rich in vitamin C that supports immune health.

Move It: A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found people who exercise at least five days a week spend 43 per cent fewer days with upper-respiratory infections.[3] Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of activity a day. Exercise helps blood flow and so keeps immune cells circulating throughout our body.

Use Antioxidants: Antioxidants help reduce the damage caused by free radicals. Ubiquinol, the active and more bioavailable form of CoQ10, is a potent antioxidant that helps our heart[4] and liver health[5] and provides us with energy. You can get Ubiquinol from foods like spinach and tuna, but you would need a very high level to feel the benefits, so try Ubiquinol capsule supplements instead, from leading Australian supplement brands.

Use Your Mind: Use mind power to cut your odds of getting a cold by 40 to 50 per cent. A University of Wisconsin study found people who used mindfulness techniques were sick less often and needed less time off work during the cold and flu season.[6]

Reduce Sugar: Did you know that when you have sugar your infection-fighting white blood cells become weaker? And your immune system is less effective for several hours after you indulge in sweet treats.[7] So, curb your sweet tooth this winter to stay fighting fit.

Sleep Matters: Don’t under-estimate the healing effects of a good night’s sleep. A study at Carnegie Mellon University published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found when you average less than seven hours sleep a night you could be almost three times more likely to get a cold than people who get at least eight hours of sleep.[8]

Speak to your healthcare practitioner before supplementing with Ubiquinol and CoQ10 supplements.


[1] Colds and flu statistics, Health Direct,
[2] Influenza Fast Facts, Influenza Specialist Group and Newall A et al Economic report into the cost of influenza to the Australia health system. March 2007
[3] Upper respiratory tract infection is reduced in physically fit and active adults, British Journal of Sports Medicine Volume 45, Issue 12
[4] Coenzyme Q10, University of Maryland Medical Center
[5] Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2015 July 9:1-8.
[6] Exercise, Meditation Can Fight Cold, Flu Symptoms, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison
[7] Effects of Sugar, Salt and Distilled Water on White Blood Cells and Platelet Cells, Journal of Tumor, Vol 4. No 1 (2016).
[8] Sleep Habits and Susceptibility to the Common Cold, Sheldon Cohen et al, Archives of Internal Medicine 2009, Jan 12: 169(1): 62-67

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