How to Keep your Heart Healthy this Winter

How to Keep your Heart Healthy this Winter

Jul 2022
Recent Article

Tips for a Healthy Winter Heart

It can be difficult to maintain heart health throughout the winter months, as we tend to gravitate towards hibernation from the cold and find ourselves indulging in the warmth of comfort foods. These behaviours, however, can be detrimental not only for our heart health but our overall wellbeing.

Keep on Moving

During the colder months, it can seem like the most difficult thing in the world to pull ourselves out of the comfort of our beds. However, exercise is incredibly important in keeping our hearts healthy. The heart is a muscle, and just like any other muscle in our body, it requires regular exercise to keep it strong.[i] You don’t have to be a gym junkie or marathon runner to keep your heart healthy. If you are someone that doesn’t exercise regularly, it is never too late to make a positive change to your lifestyle. Gradually building up a regular routine through aerobic exercises such swimming, cycling, jogging or walking can have wonderful benefits on your heart.[i]

Eating Well

We are all guilty of indulging in a little too much comfort food when it is freezing cold outside, however, creating a habit or overindulging can cause havoc on your heart health. Winter is a perfect time to enjoy the warmth of hearty soups and curries that are jam packed with our favourite veggies and spices. Some ingredients that your heart will appreciate are broccoli, which is a heart superfood, herbs and spices which are a great substitute for salt as well as Omega 3-rich foods such as fish and avocado which support cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart related issues.[ii] Vegans and vegetarians have to more thoughtful about this, as plant-based diets have been linked to nutrient deficiencies.[iii] Overall, making sure your diet is well balance is vital in maintaining a healthy heart.

How can Ubiquinol help?

Ubiquinol is a naturally occurring antioxidant found in our bodies that play a crucial role in the production of energy as well as in supporting cardiovascular and immune health.[iv] However, as we age, ours body begins to naturally produce less Ubiquinol. As one of the strongest antioxidants in the body, Ubiquinol supplementation is a great option in fighting oxidative stress and maintaining overall health and wellbeing.[iv]

Ubiquinol is available through leading Australian nutritional supplementation brands. Ask your healthcare practitioner or local pharmacist for the best product for you.


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