Mitochondria and Ubiquinol for a Healthy Heart

Mitochondria and Ubiquinol for a Healthy Heart

Dec 2023
Recent Article

Ubiquinol Unveiled with Prof Dr Sazzli Kasim, Consultant Cardiologist

Prof Dr Sazzli Kasim, a distinguished consultant cardiologist and professor of medicine at Malaysia’s premier institute, shares profound insights into the critical role of ubiquinol in our video interview.

In this enlightening conversation, Dr Sazzli demystifies the science behind ubiquinol, an influential antioxidant, and cellular energy production. He explores how this dynamic compound becomes a linchpin in preserving cardiovascular function and fostering overall heart wellness.

Key highlights discussed:

  • Mitochondrial Harmony: The antioxidant ubiquinol, the active form of CoQ10, naturally produced and directly used in our body’s mitochondria, is indispensable for maintaining mitochondrial health, especially as we age and are exposed to damaging free radicals internally and from our environment.
  • Heart Health Champion: Ubiquinol plays a pivotal role in the heart’s energy production, contributing to vital functions like contraction, relaxation, molecular synthesis, and the overall support of the cardiovascular system. With average heart beats per day at 150,000, a steady supply of energy via ubiquinol and mitochondria is important for cardiovascular health.
  • Heart Medication Concerns: Dr Sazzli sheds light on the importance of ubiquinol supplementation. Studies show that supplementing with ubiquinol can improve endothelial function by increasing nitric oxide production for healthy blood vessels and how it may assist concerns around cholesterol-lowering medications. After age 30, the enzyme that converts ubiquinone to active ubiquinol decreases, leaving depleted levels of ubiquinol that may be linked to various age-related health conditions. Ubiquinol is easily absorbed and utilised by the body (ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10).
  • Natural Sources and Supplements: As per Dr Sazzli, we can obtain small amounts through foods like organ meats, fatty fish and soybeans. Those who need a higher requirement of ubiquinol, or aren’t able to consume a balanced diet daily, can supply sufficient ubiquinol through supplements under your doctor’s guidance.

Let’s prioritise our heart health with knowledge-backed strategies. Watch the video and join the heart health conversation!

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