Three Ways to Boost Male Fertility This Spring

Three Ways to Boost Male Fertility This Spring

Oct 2020
Recent Article

Have you started noticing an abundance of cute babies and their doting parents out in public?

If you’ve been thinking about the process of adding a new member to the family, there are plenty of easy ways to boost male fertility and improve you and your partner’s chances of conceiving.

Reduce and manage stress
We’re all subject to stress from time to time – however, prolonged stress raises levels of cortisol, which has a negative effect on testosterone levels. When cortisol goes up, testosterone levels tend to go down,[1] which could have a negative impact on your sperm health.

Practicing mindfulness and taking the time to do the things that you enjoy could improve your ability to reduce and manage stress levels.

Embrace healthy dietary habits
The available evidence indicates that a balanced, healthy diet benefits male fertility.[2] Therefore, it’s important that you nourish your body with the right amount of healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Lean proteins such as tuna, salmon or chicken are a great place to start if you’re looking for recipe inspiration, and the high levels of healthy omega-3’s in salmon, avocado and certain nuts have been linked to increased fertility in men.  Try and spoil your partner tonight and get cooking in the kitchen!

The power of antioxidants
Antioxidants have been linked to improving your chances of conceiving – couples had higher pregnancy rates when men consumed additional antioxidants.[3] Increasing your intake of folic acids (found in leafy vegetables, fruits and legumes), in addition to vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc, have a wide range of health benefits linked to boosting male fertility.

If you and your partner are in the process of conceiving, it could be worth researching the benefits of Ubiquinol (the active antioxidant form of the co-enzyme CoQ10).  Just after conception, the cells of a developing embryo begin to divide and they can only do this if that embryo has formed from a healthy egg and sperm.[4] It appears that CoQ10 may help in this process by assisting cells to function and divide normally.

Ubiquinol supplementation and its potential benefits towards sperm health could be an easy option to increase your fertility this spring – consult your local healthcare practitioner today to see if the active form of CoQ10 could be a solution for you and your partner today.

Speak to your healthcare practitioner before supplementing with Ubiquinol and to find out more about Ubiquinol for improved fertility.





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