World Health Day – Spotlight on Ubiquinol

World Health Day – Spotlight on Ubiquinol

Apr 2020
Recent Article

Today marks World Health Day, an important date in the calendar for us to assess our overall health and well-being and how well we are taking care of ourselves. And whilst it’s easy to put our health on the backburner when our daily to-do list can seem overwhelming, we can’t overlook the importance of taking care of both our mind and our body.

Here are some of our top tips to help you keep your health on track, making it easy to take care of yourself and maintain your energy levels even in life’s busiest seasons.

Rest Your Body & Your Mind
Whilst it’s easy to get caught up at work and allow your priorities shift, giving your mind and your body a chance to rest at various points throughout the day is very important in helping restore energy levels.[1] Taking more breaks at work may seem counter-productive, however research has shown that we have limited capacity to concentrate over long periods of time, even if we’re engaged in a task, and we will become fatigued and prone to distractions, particularly after 3pm.[2] Try to take a break and leave your desk, even if it’s just for a walk around the block to catch some fresh air, or a 15 minute walk-and-talk catch-up with a colleague to substitute your morning meeting. This can help not only to increase productivity, but also reduce feelings of fatigue.[3]

Load Up On Nutrients
Not just a buzzword, our nutrient intake is vital in keeping us feeling energised and ensuring our health and wellbeing maintains a priority. Meal planning and prep before the work week can be an effective way to ensure you’re hitting your nutrient needs. For the lunchtime rush, boost your protein consumption with a healthy salad made up of green vegetables like spinach, asparagus or broccoli and lean meats or fish like chicken and salmon. Don’t forget to add in legumes like black beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas to build up your salad base. These are key sources of iron and zinc and will help bulk up your salad to keep you feeling fuller for longer.[4] To avoid a 3pm slump, keep healthy snacks on hand like nuts, fruits, popcorn, hummus and rice cakes – keeping you fuelled for longer and ensuring your brain can keep powering through the afternoon.[5]

Consider Using Ubiquinol
If you’re heavily reliant on caffeine and sugar to get you through the day, it might be time to consider supplementing with Ubiquinol. The active form of naturally-occurring antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), Ubiquinol is essential in supporting our energy levels and ensuring we can bounce back from fatigue.[6] However as we age, our natural levels of Ubiquinol tend to decline, making it increasingly harder to function at our prime, and particularly when we are faced with oxidative stresses and the impact of free radicals.[7] Supplementing with Ubiquinol therefore may help in restoring these depleted energy levels and in maintaining overall health.

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare practitioner.

[1] Bergouignan, A., Legget, K.T., De Jong, N., Kealey, E., Nikolovski, J., Groppel, J.L., Jordan, C., O’Day, R., Hill, J.O. and Bessesen, D.H. (2016). Effect of frequent interruptions of prolonged sitting on self-perceived levels of energy, mood, food cravings and cognitive function. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity 13(113).





[6] Saini, R. Coenzyme Q10: The essential nutrient. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioalllied Sciences. 2011 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 466-467.

[7] Saini, R. Coenzyme Q10: The essential nutrient. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioalllied Sciences. 2011 Jul-Sep; 3(3): 466-467.



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