4 ways to wipe out winter tiredness

4 ways to wipe out winter tiredness

Jul 2018
Recent Article

Energy levels can fluctuate at the best of times, even before considering the colder months and the toll they take on us. While we all have those days we’d happily take the no-show fee for that 6am yoga class, you can’t really spend three months sleeping in.

Too often, we’ll reach for coffee, chocolate or sugar to give us the energy kick we need to power through the old ‘3pm slump’.  Not only do they wreak havoc on our health (and you know, our waistlines) but quick fixes are just that – quick. Not exactly the long lasting boost you need to tick off that to-do list.  Here are some top energy pick-me-ups to feel your best this winter…


Keep Moving

It may be cold outside, but a brisk walk or jog in the park, or along the beach, will do wonders for your health – mentally and emotionally – during winter. Just 30 minutes of heart-pumping exercise can help ward off the winter blues, burn kilojoules and boost your immune system. Make a date with a friend to ensure you’ll commit to a regular outdoor workout.


Avoid comfort foods

Bench salads and add some comfort foods to your weekly meal plan. It’s important to avoid fattening foods, which are low in nutrients but high in kilojoules, and instead, stock up on seasonal foods such as carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato. Make hearty, warming soups and freeze a batch for those lazy lunches or dinners. Roast your vegetables with garlic and onion which contain allicin to help prevent and treat infection and inflammation.


Consider supplements

Australians tend to catch two to four colds every year, which can leave us feeling exhausted, with little or no energy to exercise, eat well, or socialise. This is due to a lack of key antioxidants in our body, which are vital for boosting our immune system, fighting off infection and inflammation and boosting energy levels. Adding Ubiquinol supplements – the active form of CoQ10 – to your daily vitamin intake this winter could help support good energy levels. Ubiquinol is a powerful antioxidant which is found naturally in the body, but can be depleted during illness. If your get-up-and-go has gotten-up-and-gone, then incorporating these supplements into your routine may help to support your natural energy levels to help you function at your prime.


Get sleep!

Why is it we spend all day at work dreaming of hopping in to a snugly warm bed when we get home only to get as far as the couch? Getting a regular seven to eight hours sleep a night can help boost your immunity, reduce your stress levels, and keep those winter kilos in check. What better reasons do you need to get an early night?


Speak to your healthcare practitioner to discuss the benefits of Ubiquinol supplements. Always read the label. Use only as directed.

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